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Press Release

Secured Property Tax Payment Deadline is Monday, April 11


“Pay Online: Safe.Secure.Fast”

SANTA ANA, Calif. – The second installment deadline to timely pay secured property taxes for fiscal year 2021/22 is Monday, April 11, due to April 10 being on a Sunday.  

“Pay online by using our secure 24/7 online ‘no cost’ eCheck payment option,” said OC Treasurer Shari Freidenrich. “You will receive same day credit and a receipt that can be emailed or printed. As long as you pay online by midnight on April 11th, you will avoid any penalties for late payment.”  It is the most efficient payment option. Just enter a parcel number or property address at to view/print tax bills dating back 12 years, current and the prior two years of payment history and an online statement of your account. While there is no charge for eCheck, taxpayers who pay with a credit or debit card will be assessed a 2.29 percent service charge. See all payment options at

Taxpayers may also scan the QR code on their secured property tax bill to be taken right to their property webpage. Other payment options include paying by check, cashier’s check or money order using our 24/7 depository payment drop box located off Ross Street on the side of the County Administration South building where there is adjacent metered parking, mailing your payment using the envelope included in the property tax bill or in person at the County Service Center at 601 N. Ross Street in Santa Ana between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. If mailing your payment, we recommend that you get a USPS hand-stamped postmark on or before April 11 to avoid penalties.

Also, check out our property tax and financial tools:

If you have payment questions, please email, or call (714) 834- 3411 between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST. If you have questions on ownership, assessed valuations or mailing addresses, please call (714) 834-2727.

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