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Press Release

Secured Property Tax Bills for FY 2024-25 Available Online

Secured Property Tax Bills for FY 2024-25 Available Online

First Installment Due November 1, 2024

octreasurer TaxBill

SANTA ANA, Calif. – Orange County Treasurer Shari Freidenrich announced that over 860,000 secured property tax bills totaling more than $8.7 billion are online at the newly redesigned property tax webpage at octreasurer TaxBill.  The property tax bills are being mailed to the property owners at the address on the most recent tax roll. 

The first installment of FY 2024-25 secured property taxes is due and payable on November 1, 2024 and will become delinquent if not paid by December 10, 2024. The second installment is due and payable on February 1, 2025 and will become delinquent if not paid by April 10, 2025. Payments can be made securely online at octreasurer TaxBill by eCheck at no cost using a checking or savings account, or by credit/debit card (a 2.29% service fee with a minimum charge of $1.95 applies) including Google Pay and Apple Pay. A complete list of payment options can be found at octreasurer PaymentOptions.

If you have not yet received your FY 2024-25 secured property tax bill in the mail, you can obtain a copy online at octreasurer TaxBill. The California Revenue & Taxation Code states that not receiving a property tax bill does not relieve you from your responsibility to pay the balance owed by the due date. The website also provides an up-to-date online statement for all secured property, including the status of current and prior year’s tax bills plus any delinquencies, penalties or fees. Simply input either your Assessor Parcel Number (APN), or property address.

NEW:  Taxpayers with mortgage impound accounts will receive a secure sealed postcard with tax information inside and a QR code link directly to their property tax bill.  The postcard also includes a link to the information inserts page at octreasurer OCTaxBillInserts  including the OC Alert flyer, just scan the QR code here.

Property Tax Tips:

  • Scan the QR code on your property tax bill to be taken directly to your parcel’s online tax bill.
  • Pay property tax bills securely online at octreasurer TaxBill by eCheck (bank account) at no cost and receive same day credit with an emailed receipt.
  • Sign up to receive a payment reminder by text or email at octreasurer eSubscriptions.
  • Check out all payment options at octreasurer PaymentOptions.
  • View our Property Tax eGuides at octreasurer PropertyTaxeGuides.
  • Go to octreasurer TaxDollar to see where the 1% of assessed value you pay in Property Taxes goes.
  • View 15 years of property tax bills, and payment details for the previous two years.
  • In-person tax payments and other County services are available in the County Service Center at 601 N. Ross Street in Santa Ana with free parking for 30 minutes in Lot P4, view map at octreasurer OCTaxParking.
  • View tax bill details in an easy-to-read format with a GIS map by visiting with details of any applicable Mello Roos/PACE assessments and nearby local services and parks, or by clicking on the map after you input your APN online.
  • View and subscribe to our Financial Tips at octreasurer FinancialTips.
