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Secured Property Tax Payments

No. The Orange County Treasurer does not have the authority under State law to extend or postpone the last timely payment deadline for the installments of secured property taxes.

We encourage taxpayers to “Stay Home and Pay Online” by eCheck, using your bank account on our no-cost secure website at or by using a credit/debit card (2.29 percent service fee applies). You will receive same day credit and a receipt (email, printed or take a picture). Other payment options include paying by credit/debit card 24/7 on the automated phone system at (714) 834-3411 (2.29 percent service fee applies), using our easily accessible drop box located on the side of the County Administration South building at 601 N. Ross St. with adjacent parking (checks, money orders, no cash), or mailing your payment to County of Orange, Attn. Treasurer-Tax Collector, P.O. Box 1438, Santa Ana, CA 92702-1438.

No. The Treasurer-Tax Collector can’t waive the service fee of 2.29 percent for credit/debit card transactions. The fees are charged by the third party card payment processor to facilitate the transaction. As a reminder, there is no cost for eCheck payments online (using your bank account) at

We encourage taxpayers to obtain a hand-cancelled postmark from the U.S. Postal Service if mailing your payment on or before the last timely payment date of December 10 or April 10. Please visit for more information on mailed payments.

The Treasurer-Tax Collector processes all mailed payments as we receive them so if it has been longer than a week, please call us at (714) 834-3411.

Web:, (View/print/pay property tax bills) (Sign up for property tax info) (Sign up for weekly financial tips)


Phone: 714-834-3411 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.), IVR: 714-834-3411 (24/7)

Penalty Cancellation Form:

Click here for the "Top Five Dos and Don'ts" PDF file.