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Press Release

OC Treasurer-Tax Collector Shari Freidenrich Rolls Out Updated Secure Property Tax Webpage

Updated Secure Property Tax Webpage

octreasurer TaxBill

Santa Ana, Calif. – OC Treasurer Shari L. Freidenrich announces the launch of the newly redesigned secure property tax page that provides information on each property on a single page versus clicking through numerous pages.  This combining of specific property information in a single page provides taxpayers a streamlined, user-friendly experience. Information provided on the single page includes property tax bill copies, a property taxes payment link to the third-party vendor’s secure payment site, payment history, payment status of all property tax bills and tax amounts due, if any.    

The Treasurer’s common-sense approach in updating the property tax website focuses on reducing the time a taxpayer spends accessing publicly available property tax information. The new design simplifies the payment process with a prominent “Payment Options” button after navigating to the specific property page.   Currently, 44% of property tax payments are paid online, with 41% paid using the free eCheck (bank account) and 3% using credit/debit card including recently available Google Pay and Apple Pay options.  The Treasurer’s website receives over 1 million hits monthly and over 10 million hits annually. Government’s role is to serve taxpayers, and this update will enable taxpayers to quickly and securely view and pay property tax bills.

The redesign encompasses both secured property taxes (real property) and unsecured property taxes (personal property such as business assessments, boats and aircraft), and is planned to be mobile-friendly for tablets and smart phones.  Users can access and print 15 years of property tax bill copies, as well as payment details for the last two years.  Additionally, plans are in place to transition the domain to the secure This update demonstrates the Treasurer’s ongoing commitment to enhancing secure tax services for property owners and businesses of Orange County.

“I regularly seek input from taxpayers about the property tax website and am committed to providing the tools and services they need to access information quickly, safely, and securely,” said Treasurer Freidenrich. “Our redesigned payment page represents a significant advancement in simplifying the tax payment process for all users and I encourage taxpayers to consider paying using  our secure online website, which provides same-day credit and an emailed/printed receipt with a date and time stamp.” eCheck payments offer the added benefit of a few extra days of available funds in taxpayers’ bank accounts, as they take 2-3 days to process while still ensuring same-day credit through a third-party security measure.

The redesigned secure property tax page features relevant images for various tax types, several search options for each tax type (physical address for secured and business name for unsecured properties), supplemental bill copies, a GIS parcel map of the County and links to tax bill inserts.  More resources are available on other property tax pages, including information on payment plans, the Top 20 Taxpayers and how property tax dollars are allocated. For these features, visit our homepage at, expected to be soon.
