Typically the lien search is done by the title company on the property at the beginning of the escrow, and one of the last things that is completed is a name search on the person(s) involved in the transaction. Because the liens do not attach to a particular piece of property, they are typically discovered at this later stage of the process. The escrow process may be delayed because a payoff amount is needed from our office to determine how much is owed to satisfy the outstanding taxes due.
The payoff information is available on our self-service website at ocgov.com/octaxbill. You can search by Tax Year and Assessment Number provided on the lien document (e.g. 2018 153306) for Unsecured Property Tax Bills or by entering the parcel number for Secured or Supplemental property tax bills. For further assistance, please email us at AskTaxCollector@octreasurer.gov.